Mayara Rodrigues

Ranked #6997 pornstar worldwide

Mayara Rodrigues

Nationality: Brazil

Ethnicity: Latin

Date of Birth: 1979-01-24

Aliases: Mayala Rodrigues, Mayara Rodigues, Layara, Mayaro Rodrigues, Jane Mayara, Mayara Rodriguez, Layara Rodrigues, Myrian, Mayra, Mariah, Myra, Miragi

Height: 170cm (5ft 7in)

Weight: 62kg (137lb)

Measurements: 32A-24-34

Natural boobs: Yes

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Brown

Tattoos: Stomach; butterfly left and below navel

Mayara Rodrigues is a stunningly talented adult film star who has captured the hearts and minds of fans across the globe. Born in January 1979 in Brazil, this vivacious lady brought her exceptional talents to the world stage with an irresistible combination of passion and finesse. With her striking brunette hair and seductive brown eyes, there's no mistaking why she was destined for greatness within the adult entertainment industry. Boasting natural D cup breasts and slender yet curvaceous figure measuring 32A-24-34, it’s not hard to see why audiences can't get enough of this fiery Latina. At a statuesque height of 5 feet 7 inches, Mayara stands tall amongst her colleagues while maintaining a petite weight of just over 130 pounds. Her sultry onscreen performances have garnered multiple stage names which range from the exotic “Miragi” and "Layara", to the artistic choices of “Myrian”, and even the classic elegance of "Jane Mayara". Regardless of what you call her or how many times you watch, one thing remains certain; Mayara Rodrigues is a sens

See Mayara Rodrigues naked here in our XXX pics. We have 7 XXX image galleries from Mayara Rodrigues in our website with associated nude HD porn pics.

Mayara Rodrigues Movies & Scenes Mayara Rodrigues at Babepedia

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