Kymberly Jane

Ranked #6024 pornstar worldwide

Kymberly Jane

Nationality: United States

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1985-01-12

Aliases: Kay Richards, BabyKym, Katie Marie, Keemly, Kym

Height: 160cm (5ft 3in)

Weight: 55kg (121lb)

Measurements: 34D-25-35

Natural boobs: Yes

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Tattoos: Below the stomach on her hips; on the left ribcage; on the upper back; on the lower back

Look no further than Kymberly Jane, a multi-talented adult film star hailing from the land down under. With her beguiling brown eyes and sunny disposition, it's clear that this delightful babe has what it takes to keep things hot in every scene she stars in. If you're in the market for some knockout sexy-time fun, then Kym is just what the doctor ordered. Born on January 12th, 1985, Kym stands at a petite 5 feet even, but don't be fooled by her slight stature - her curves say otherwise. The endowment on her chest alone would give any Victoria's Secret model a run for her money, with lush 34D's that are all natural - so say goodbye to those pesky augmentation rumors! She maintains a svelte 121lbs frame, which highlights her curvaceous hips measuring 25 inches around and her round bottom with measurements of 35 inches. Her raven-brown tresses cascade effortlessly down her shoulders, adding an extra layer of sexiness to her unforget

See Kymberly Jane naked here in our XXX pics. We have 6 XXX image galleries from Kymberly Jane in our website with associated nude HD porn pics.

Kymberly Jane Movies & Scenes Kymberly Jane at Babepedia

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