Rebecca Jane Smythe

Ranked #670 pornstar worldwide

Rebecca Jane Smythe

Nationality: United Kingdom

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1973-04-23

Aliases: Rebecca Smyth, Rebecca Jane Smyth, Rebecca Smith, Rebecca Smythe

Height: 178cm (5ft 10in)

Weight: 55kg (121lb)

Measurements: 36DD-25-36

Natural boobs: No

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Green

Tattoos: None

As a prominent figure in the adult film industry and a bona fide sensation across global audiences, few names possess as much resonance or recognition as that of British beauty, Rebecca Smythe. Born on April 23rd, 1973, she's not only graced screens but become a national pride with her unapologetic boldness and raw sexual prowess. Measuring at an impressive height of 178 cm and weighing in at 55 kg, her lithe frame is emphasized by a svelte physique - specifically 36 DD-25-36 measurements which undeniably elevate her visual appeal. Her most distinctive features include striking green eyes and gorgeous blonde locks adding to her exotic allure and overall sexiness. It comes as no surprise that her career has spanned numerous aliases such as Rebecca Smyth, Rebecca Jane Smyth, Rebecca Smith, and Rebecca Smythe, indicating widespread admiration and acclaim; a testament to her indelible impact within this sphere.

See Rebecca Jane Smythe naked here in our XXX pics. We have 16 XXX image galleries from Rebecca Jane Smythe in our website with associated nude HD porn pics.

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