Victoria Monet

Ranked #4706 pornstar worldwide

Victoria Monet

Nationality: United States

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1983-07-12

Height: 196cm (6ft 5in)

Weight: 49kg (108lb)

Measurements: 34b-30-32

Natural boobs: Yes

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: No data

Tattoos: Flower on the stem on right side of abdomen

Looking to learn more about the fascinating world of adult entertainment? Today we will be diving deep into the career and life story of one of America's brightest stars, Victoria Monet. Born on July 12th 1983 in the United States with a killer combination of height and measurements (196cm and 34b-30-32), this fierce diva has taken the industry by storm thanks to her natural beauty, brunette locks, and an unmatched work ethic that sets her apart from others within the profession. So buckle up buttercup, as we take you on a journey through the life and times of none other than -Victoria Monet.

See Victoria Monet naked here in our XXX pics. We have 1 XXX image galleries from Victoria Monet in our website with associated nude HD porn pics.

Victoria Monet Movies & Scenes Victoria Monet On Reality Kings Victoria Monet On Pornbox Victoria Monet at Babepedia

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