Allysin Chaynes

Ranked #4173 pornstar worldwide

Allysin Chaynes

Nationality: Romania

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1979-02-11

Aliases: Allysin Chaynes, Aly Mark, Allysin Chains, Alisin Chains, Allison Chaynes, Allyson Chains, Alysin Chaynes, Allycin Chains

Height: 152cm (4ft 12in)

Weight: 43kg (95lb)

Measurements: 34C-23-32

Natural boobs: No

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Hazel

Tattoos: None

Allysin Chaynes is a talented and captivating Romanian adult film actress who has been leaving her mark in the industry since her debut in 2006. Born on February 11, 1979, she stands at 4 feet 12 inches tall and weighs just 95 pounds. She has a delicate but curvaceous frame with measurements of 34C-23-32, making her irresistibly alluring to fans and co-stars alike. While some may find her petite height unique and charming, it's her striking blonde hair, hazel eyes, and enhanced bust that really grab your attention. In addition to performing under her own name, Allysin Chaynes has gone by several other aliases throughout her career, including Aly Mark, Allysin Chains, Alisin Chains, Allison Chaynes, Allyson Chains, Alysin Chaynes, and Allycin Chains. Regardless of what you call this captivating performer, one thing is clear - she knows how to heat things up on screen!

See Allysin Chaynes naked here in our XXX pics. We have 48 XXX image galleries from Allysin Chaynes in our website with associated nude HD porn pics.

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