Krystal Boyd

Ranked #1558 pornstar worldwide

Krystal Boyd

Nationality: Russian Federation

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1993-04-14

Aliases: Abbie, Abbiy, Slim Anya, Abby C, Kathy I., Angel, Anjelica, Chelsea, Ebbi, Ira, Abby H, Katherine A, Abbey, Ksusha, Ksyusha, Megan, Vera, Snejanna

Height: 173cm (5ft 8in)

Weight: 60kg (132lb)

Measurements: 30B-23-32

Natural boobs: Yes

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Tattoos: None

Krystal Boyd is a stunning and sultry Russian adult film star who was born on April 14th in 1993. At the age of just 26, she has already made a big impact within the adult entertainment industry with her intense performances that have left audiences thoroughly entranced by her captivating presence. With her luscious blonde locks and blue eyes, Krystal's striking appearance, coupled with her petite frame at 5 ft 8 inches tall and weighing in at 132lbs, has undoubtedly played a role in her popularity and success. Standing out even further from her peers, Krystal Boyd boasts a natural, curvaceous body measuring 30B-23-32, which accentuates her enchantingly alluring features. It's no wonder that this dazzling beauty has gone by many aliases throughout her career including Abbie, Abbiy, Slim Anya, and Abby C to name but a few.

See Krystal Boyd naked here in our XXX pics. We have 55 XXX image galleries from Krystal Boyd in our website with associated nude HD porn pics.

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