Miss Platinum

Ranked #3932 pornstar worldwide

Miss Platinum

Nationality: United States

Ethnicity: Black

Date of Birth: 1981-06-03

Aliases: Ms. Platinum, Ms Platinum, Shanika

Height: 160cm (5ft 3in)

Weight: 59kg (130lb)

Measurements: 34B-29-39

Natural boobs: Yes

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown


Miss Platinum is a dazzling adult actress who captivates her audience with her charismatic personality and sensual performance. Born in the heart of the United States on June 3rd, 1981, she brings passion into every scene she performs. Hailing from Black ethnicity, Miss Platinum stands at a height of 5 feet and 3 inches tall while maintaining a weight of 130 pounds. Her perfect curves are complimented by her measurements of 34B-29-39 adding to her overall appeal. Enhancing her exotic beauty further are her lustrous black hair and deep brown eyes that speak volumes about her sultry nature. Though modest in size, Miss Platinum's natural breast only adds to her allure, making it easier for her fans to fantasize about her unique offerings in the adult film industry.

See Miss Platinum naked here in our XXX pics. We have 17 XXX image galleries from Miss Platinum in our website with associated nude HD porn pics.

Miss Platinum Movies & Scenes Miss Platinum at Babepedia

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